We appreciate all athletes who came to tryouts!
Click the button below to access the team results.
There is a 48 hour no contact rule after teams have been posted. This allows candidates, parents, and coaches time to digest the results. If after 48 hours a family still feels the need to reach out, please email Coach Hobbs to set up an appointment. The coaching staff is always available to discuss areas of strength, weakness, and ways the cheerleader can continue to grow as an athlete.
However, please remember that all tryout results are final.
Thank you to all who came to tryouts!!!
2024-2025 TEAMS
1. Cheerleader Uniform Fitting and parent meeting on Saturday, April 20th. Varsity will meet at 9am in room 212 and all other cheerleaders will meet at 9:45am.
There will be an option to purchase previously owned uniform pieces at this meeting as well as brand new uniform pieces. To purchased used item, you must bring CASH and/or Venmo. Cash is the best bet as not all families utilize Venmo. New items will be purchased online. This uniform fitting will be done with coaches and cheerleaders and our Varsity Spirit representative. Cheerleaders should wear Spankie shorts/compression shorts and a sports bra under their clothing for easy change of clothing, along with white ankle socks for shoe try-on. Please remember to bring your $200 deposit via cash, venmo or credit card.
2. Parent & Cheerleader Mandatory Meeting at 6pm on Wednesday, May 15th.
Please bring a Chromebook, pen, insurance card, check book, and your excitement!!!